Happy Book Birthday – A Ticket to the Pennant

I’m thrilled to help my friend and critique partner, Mark Holtzen, celebrate the release of his gorgeous new picture book, A Ticket to the Pennant. Featuring beautiful retro-style illustrations from John Skewes, the story recounts Huey’s adventures as he searches his diverse Seattle neighborhood for his missing ticket to see the Seattle Rainiers play in the big game in 1955. Tell us a little bit about … Continue reading Happy Book Birthday – A Ticket to the Pennant

Writing Prompts to Spur Creativity

When I get blocked on a project, I sometimes use writing prompts to spur my creativity. It helps me come back to the daunting task of drafting with a sense of energy and purpose. Free writing like this often starts with something that happened in real life. For example, this week I wrote a flash fiction piece about anxiety after spending a nerve-testing hour in the … Continue reading Writing Prompts to Spur Creativity

Book Recommendation – The Plot Whisperer

There are so many amazing books on how to write that I find it difficult to know which one to read when I’m feeling the itch to brush up on craft (which I do about once a quarter). So I thought I’d share some brief reviews of craft books to help you decide which one might work best for you. I’ll start with The Plot Whisperer by … Continue reading Book Recommendation – The Plot Whisperer