Book Birthday Twofer: CARAVAL and EDGE OF EVERYTHING

With two books we love coming out on the same day, we debated what to do. Give one book the spotlight today and feature the other another day? Arm wrestle for the blog spot? (That would be a pathetic sight!) But our own birthdays are only a week apart and we celebrated them together with a glass of bubbly—after a morning of talking through fixes for … Continue reading Book Birthday Twofer: CARAVAL and EDGE OF EVERYTHING

Shout out for Stephanie Garber’s CARAVAL

Caraval is the story of Scarlett, a girl who is desperate to escape her violent and controlling father and to take her younger sister, Donatella, with her. Scarlet hopes marriage to a man she’s never met, a marriage arranged by her father, will save them. Donatella doesn’t believe it will, so she persuades a handsome sailor to transport them off their island home and to Caraval, a … Continue reading Shout out for Stephanie Garber’s CARAVAL