Join us on our first-ever blogosphere road trip!
On Craft
Tips on writing multiple POVs…three ways to harness your reader’s curiosity…helpful hints on editing and revising…five tips for writing antiheroes…and a post from the legendary Donald Maas on creating legendary characters…
…All (and more!) made our list of must-read craft articles this past month.
On Publishing/Marketing
Did you see this Twitter thread from Agent Mandy Hubbard about what happens during book deal negotiations? Great info for writers.
On the Writer’s Life
To go with Richelle’s recent post on surviving a tough draft, here’s a great article on the benefits of taking a break, from publishingcrawl.com.
And if you’re itching for something new to work on, here is a whole mess of contests for 2018.
On Books/Authors
Epic Reads has an epic list of #ownvoices new releases for 2018! We. Can’t. WAIT!
Audiobook Indie bookstore Libro.fm put together an awesome playlist based on Julie’s audiobook post — check it out!
This is a good list of children’s books to help you talk about race with the children in your life — or read them yourself to spark new ways of thinking about some tough issues.
For Fun!
Must. Subscribe. Immediately.
And to warm your heart, how freaking awesome is this???!
Our Winged Pen Twitter fairies are AMAZING at finding and sharing informative and fun posts about writing and publishing, so be sure to follow us there.
And be sure to give a shout-out to your favorite writing blogs and resources in the comments below…we’re always looking for new places to get inspired.