It’s Never Too Early: Marketing for Published and Non-published Authors

This year we are surrounded, slammed, by political news, and unfortunately, there is no end in sight. Not even on November 4, 2020.  It got me thinking about those poor books being published later this year. Will their announcements get lost in the presidential candidate bickering? Will the book tweets disappear in the mass of berating tweets from—? How will readers hear the good news? … Continue reading It’s Never Too Early: Marketing for Published and Non-published Authors

Book Marketing Part 1: Fans are Your Best Bet

Whether you are a traditionally published, or an Indie author, or a hybrid author, you will be in charge of marketing your novels. Many authors do not realize that they must treat their writing as a business. As an entrepreneur, your job is to make sure you have a constant source of income. Just to be clear, by a traditionally published author, I mean someone … Continue reading Book Marketing Part 1: Fans are Your Best Bet