Warning: hard hats required past this point!
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably a regular reader of TheWingedPen.com. We want to start by saying thank you for clicking, subscribing or otherwise joining us on our writing journey!
You may have noticed we haven’t been posting as often as we used to.
Why not?
There are a lot of answers to that, but to make a long explanation short (or at least try), we formed this blog when we were early in our writing journeys and still mostly un-agented and unpublished.
Since then, Winged Pen members have written front-list books with big 5 publishers, self-published books, and work-for-hire books. Some members have become Pitch Wars mentees and/or Pitch Wars mentors. Some now offer critiquing/writer coaching services through Author Accelerator or under their own shingle. Some have started other businesses like freelance writing, college essay coaching, and non-fiction writing/consulting on victim’s rights. One person has gone back to school for an advanced degree in librarianship!
Our writing journeys have taken us in so many different directions and helped us to find ways to make money through our writing, which is no easy feat. There’s a lot to be proud of in all these accomplishments.
But, these new directions leave less time for blogging.
A few of us are still passionate about this blog. Now feels like a great time to post about our writing journeys because we know a lot more than we did when we started. As we transition to a smaller team of regular writers (with guest posts from the others, we hope!), we’ll be:
- Posting less often, probably once a week.
- Retiring the #Fouron400 and coming up with a new contest format.
- Continuing to tweet about our own articles and other #amwriting articles we love on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
We also plan to try out some new things like:
- Branching out our social media presence to Instagram.
- Trying out video content for topics such as book reviews.
- Book giveaways.
Most important, we want to continue to share our writing journey with you. Every time we learn something about writing or the publishing industry and think, “Wow, this would have really helped me if I knew it earlier in my journey!” it’s an idea for a new post.
Thanks again for being here to share our journey and we apologize in advance for the bumps you may experience as we figure out our new format. Feel free to wear a hard hat!
All the best,
The Winged Pen
Congratulations on all of your success! Cheers to your latest journeys and where ever they take you!
Thanks for your support! Best wishes for you on your writing journey too!
I’d love to help any way I can as a published author. I’ve enjoyed your posts. Congrats to all on their accomplishments. That’s the idea — to move forward and not stagnate.☺️
Thanks so much for the offer of help! Right now, we’re trying to just get ourselves reorganized. We’re glad you enjoyed our posts!