So you’ve spent a bazillion hours writing the GREATEST NOVEL EVER. Every word is spelled correctly. Every comma has been checked. Every em dash is used appropriately. You’ve filtered for over-used words. And, of course, you’ve crafted a Killer First Line. Your book is ready to sell! Congrats!!! Pitch it to me! If you’re like me, your tongue goes dry, you start to shake, and … Continue reading Write a KILLER BOOK PITCH!

Nom. Nom. Nom. YUMMY WRITER SNACKS! What’s fueling your ideas!?

Over the years, my fellow writers at The Winged Pen have become so much more to me than CPs. Behind the scenes, we chat about all kinds of crazy stuff. One day, the topic was snacks! Why snacks, you ask? Okay, maybe you didn’t ask, but bear with me anyway. While writing, our brains are like a  muscle doing thousands of crunches per hour––squeezing out killer plots, … Continue reading Nom. Nom. Nom. YUMMY WRITER SNACKS! What’s fueling your ideas!?

8 on Eight PAGES!!!

We’re SO excited to announce that we have partnered with the  Writing for Charity Refugee Benefit Auction to bring you a very special 8 on Eight! This time instead of having eight of us at THE WINGED PEN critique your opening eight lines, we’re offering eight sets of eyes on EIGHT PAGES! That’s SIXTEEN eyeballs! This is a win-win for whomever bids the most. Not only will … Continue reading 8 on Eight PAGES!!!

Time for a KidLit Book Feast!!!!

  Many of us at The Winged Pen are on Spring Break this week or heading there soon. And, of course, a vacation isn’t a vacation without a heap of books. We regularly swap book recs behind the scenes, so we thought you’d like to know what books we’ve recently devoured or are currently feasting our eyeballs on. Julie Artz SUNNYSIDE UP by Jennifer Holm, … Continue reading Time for a KidLit Book Feast!!!!

Writing Killer Kid Lit First Lines

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve rewritten the first line in the book I’m currently querying, I could afford to take you out for a fancy dinner and maybe a movie. I’ll admit I’m a bit obsessive in my determination to write the perfect opening. I’ve lost plenty of sleep over it, and unfortunately it’s only the tip of the iceberg in … Continue reading Writing Killer Kid Lit First Lines

We’re celebrating the release day for THE WOODEN PRINCE with a GIVEAWAY!

Releasing Today! March 15th! OUT OF ABATON, Book 1: THE WOODEN PRINCE   by John Claude Bemis We at The Winged Pen have read several of John Claude Bemis’ books, so we are very excited about THE WOODEN PRINCE. Let’s get started with the blurb! The automa Pinocchio has always been duty-bound to serve in the floating palace of Venice’s emperor. So when Pinocchio finds himself locked in … Continue reading We’re celebrating the release day for THE WOODEN PRINCE with a GIVEAWAY!