Featured: Graphic Novel SHARE YOUR SMILE

Know any budding graphic novelists or writers? SHARE YOUR SMILE is exactly the book to put in their hands. Telgemeier breaks the creation process down into easily understood chunks from inspiration to finished drawings. She takes you through the research and drawing process, using her popular graphic novels SMILE, SISTERS, DRAMA, and GHOSTS as examples. SHARE YOUR SMILE is filled with writing prompts and exercises, giving … Continue reading Featured: Graphic Novel SHARE YOUR SMILE

Featured: Graphic Novel MANUELITO, a refugee story

Welcome to Windows & Mirrors, where we feature books that provide us windows to lives outside our own and mirrors to our shared common human experiences. Today we are featuring MANUELITO, written by Elisa Amado and illustrated by Abraham Urias. Kids hear adults talking all the time about the refugee crisis, families seeking asylum, ICE, deportation, and problems at our borders. It must be confusing … Continue reading Featured: Graphic Novel MANUELITO, a refugee story