Windows & Mirrors: DREAM COUNTRY by Shannon Gibney

Welcome to Windows & Mirrors, where we feature books that provide us windows to lives outside our own and mirrors to our shared common human experiences. This week we are featuring Dream Country by Shannon Gibney. DREAM COUNTRY begins with the incredible and gut-wrenching story of a seventeen-year-old Liberian refugee. Kollie, who is both too black and not black enough for his African-American peers, is … Continue reading Windows & Mirrors: DREAM COUNTRY by Shannon Gibney

THE DRESS AND THE GIRL by Camille Andros and Julie Morstad

Sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover. Yes, THE DRESS AND THE GIRL is gorgeously detailed from the lovely cover art to the lyrical text to extraordinary illustrations. It’s a beautiful tale of immigration, the value of simple joys, and the power of memory, written by Camille Andros and illustrated by Julie Morstad. In the story, we follow a girl and her favorite dress … Continue reading THE DRESS AND THE GIRL by Camille Andros and Julie Morstad