Creativity to the Rescue: Finding BIG Ideas

As a piggyback to last week’s BIG IDEAS post in our Master Your Craft Series, it occurred to me that many of our readers may still be struggling with their concept not being quite BIG enough to commit months or maybe years to writing a story. Or maybe you’ve only got a small nugget of an idea. So what do you do? First let’s break … Continue reading Creativity to the Rescue: Finding BIG Ideas


So you’ve spent a bazillion hours writing the GREATEST NOVEL EVER. Every word is spelled correctly. Every comma has been checked. Every em dash is used appropriately. You’ve filtered for over-used words. And, of course, you’ve crafted a Killer First Line. Your book is ready to sell! Congrats!!! Pitch it to me! If you’re like me, your tongue goes dry, you start to shake, and … Continue reading Write a KILLER BOOK PITCH!